DBB November Update


Swag Orders

DBB club clothing orders are now available online. Choose from DBB branded hoodies, jackets, shirts, and hat! hooded sweatshirt

Orders are due November 20th, with expected arrival of December 11. You will be contact once we have the items on hand.

Order yours here!

Annual General Meeting

Save the date! Our Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday January 21, 2016 from 6:30 pm to 8:30pm. It will take place the Painswick Branch of the Barrie Public Library.

We will be going over our 2015 financials, as well as making announcements about our 2016 plans!

Members must be in good standing for any matters requiring a vote, however anyone is welcome to attend!

More details to follow. You can RSVP to our Facebook event page here.

Call for Nominations

We will have a number of positions available on our board come January. Would you like to get more involved in the running of YOUR dragon boat club? Send in your nominations to info@dragonboatbarrie.com by January 7th to get your name on the list!

DBB Team of the YearDBB Team of the Year

Congrats to PaddleAvengers on winning the Dragon Boat Barrie Team of the Year Award!

A well deserved win for our beginner team, competing in Port Perry and Barrie with a roster of 20 dedicated women.


Florida Training Camps

There are a number of different training camps occurring during the month of April 2016 in Florida. If you’re looking to get a head start on the 2016 season, this is a great way to learn some new skills!

Please e-mail Lisa at PaddleStrong@dragonboatbarrie.com for further details.

New Lakefront Gym Equipment

gym equipmentHave you been down to the waterfront lately? There are some new additions scattered around our beautiful waterfront.

Thanks in part to one of our very own paddlers, Craig Busch of Busch Systems and a number of other local businesses have donated funds for the installation of various all-weather outdoor workout stations all along our waterfront.

Check it out!